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Do You Even Clone, Bro?

I believe that genetical engineering is completely wrong. It is selfish in the sense that people are not confident in the way their child may look and it shows truly how much they care about have the "picture perfect" family or the family that has no flaws. I do not know about other people, but I would feel guilty and always have that question in the back of mind, "What would he/she look like if I had not changed somethings?"

God made that boy or girl the way they are supposed to be.They are to be loved the way they are, whether they have red hair or brown hair, blue eyes or green eyes, tan skin or fair skin, that is who they are. Now, I understand that no mom or dad wants their child to struggle with specific disease, like down syndrome, but even then God put them in this life and made them the way they are for a purpose. It may be to teach someone to persevere through their struggles, it may be to teach the parents what unconditional love is, it may even be to teach the child that they are made that way to make a difference.

As I have grown up watching my parents and have experienced the way they teach me, I have seen how it is so hard for them to hurt, I realize parents are wanting their kids to have zero struggles but we have to realize that through hurt, kids and even adults learn lessons. Genetically changing the outcome of a child is sad. If that child ever found out that they were cloned, they would be so hurt and confused as to why their parents would do such a thing. Imagine their response to that. That, to me, would forever be a burden on my heart.


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